Dear All,

I am new to this list but have been informed that this is the place to come with map cataloguing questions. Any help with the query below would be very much appreciated and gratefully received.

We are currently writing  our MARC specifications for digital maps for Legal Deposit Libraries across the UK and would like to represent EPSG codes for projected coordinate systems in MARC using the 342 field.

Following the available guidance, particularly at , we have come up with the MARC XML structure represented by the EPSG:27700 example below.

Please could anyone let us know if this is correct MARC, and if it follows good cataloguing practice?

Any feedback on the MARC XML would be very welcome. If there are any examples of other ways to use the 342 field to represent digital mapping /projected coordinates systems please do pass them on.

Thanks for your help.



Dr Gethin Rees
Lead Curator, Digital Mapping
British Library

ESPG:27700 – British National Grid

<datafield tag="342" ind1="0" ind2="0">
  <subfield code="a">OSGB_1936</subfield>
  <subfield code="b">degree</subfield>
  <subfield code="c">0.0174532925199433</subfield>
  <subfield code="d">0.0174532925199433</subfield>

<datafield tag="342" ind1="0" ind2="1">
  <subfield code="a">Transverse Mercator</subfield>
  <subfield code="g">-2</subfield>
  <subfield code="h">49</subfield>
  <subfield code="i">400000</subfield>
  <subfield code="j">-100000</subfield>
  <subfield code="k">0.9996012717</subfield>

<datafield tag="342" ind1="0" ind2="2">
  <subfield code="a">OSGB 1936 / British National Grid</subfield>
  <subfield code="b">metre</subfield>
  <subfield code="c">1</subfield>
  <subfield code="d">1</subfield>
  <subfield code="p">British National Grid</subfield>

<datafield tag="342" ind1="0" ind2="5">
  <subfield code="a">OSGB_1936</subfield>
  <subfield code="q">Airy 1830</subfield>
  <subfield code="r">6377563.396</subfield>
  <subfield code="s">299.3249646</subfield>

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