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The MAGIRT 2018 Webinar series is focused on “Building Geospatial

MAGIRT proudly presents a series of webinars for anyone interested in maps,
GIS, and building a geospatial community at their campus/institution. These
webinars are topical and focused on providing practical knowledge about
current issues and trends.

   - May 3rd, Geospatial Data Projects: Getting Started and Keeping Momentum
   - May 9th, Hold a Mapathon and build a community of mappers! An
   Introduction to the Nimble Tents Toolkit and OSM
   - May 17th, Genealogical Research with Maps at the New York Public

For complete webinar descriptions and links for registration please visit -

Please note webinars are free for MAGIRT members and $25 dollars for
non-members. Group discounts are available.


MAGIRT Education Committee and Membership & Marketing Committee