Over the next few weeks, we are undertaking a survey of those using our Maps Website at https://maps.nls.uk in order to help plan future developments.


The survey is focusing on three main areas:


1.    what the main uses / purposes are for users in visiting the website

2.    what the main priorities should be for improving the website (eg. functionality, content, search and retrieval, infrastructure)

3.    opportunities for partnerships and collaboration


We are keen for a range of responses from personal, educational, business and professional users. All responses will be anonymous.


The survey should only take around 10 minutes to complete.


There is further information at: https://maps.nls.uk/additions.html#61


The Website User Survey link to the questionnaire is: https://maps.nls.uk/survey


Many thanks,





Chris Fleet
Map Curator | Collections and Research Department

National Library of Scotland
33 Salisbury Place, Edinburgh EH9 1SL

Tel: 0131 623 4670
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Website: maps.nls.uk
Twitter: @natlibscotmaps

Please complete our Maps Website User Survey




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