Mr. White,

Hopefully you received an answer about the Columbus map?  I looked through the collection we have of 1:250,000 topo sheets of the US - I did not notice any that were in four shades of yellow and brown as you indicated.  But our only Columbus, Ohio sheet was from 1947 - quite outdated compared to the other maps in that set.  Sorry I can't help you with your question.

James Nealis
University of Maryland Library

-----Original Message-----
From: Brendan Whyte <[log in to unmask]>
To: MAPS-L <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Wed, Jun 19, 2019 8:35 am
Subject: Columbus Ohio 250k slope map

We have discovered a 1:250,000 toposheet for Columbus, Ohio, published 1972, that is listed as "experimental printing" and shows 4 classes of slope zones (<5%, 5-10%, 15-30%, >30%) in yellow and brown shades.

Can anyone tell me if this was a one-off or are there other 1:250,000 topo sheets of the coterminous US that also show slope rather than topography?

We're not sure whether to catalogue this map as a single, a series, or just include a note about it in our US 250k topo series record. 


Brendan Whyte
National Library of Australia