
The US Fish and Wildlife Service National Wetlands Inventory program in
surplussing their aerial image library to reduce storage costs and improve
efficiencies.  A collection of aerial photography for California has been
inventoried and cataloged in the attached spreadsheet.  Before we pursue
recycling options we are investigating the possibility that interested
groups may be interested in attaining the the imagery for their
collections. The attached spreadsheet contains the imagery Scale, Year,
Type (Color Infrared, Black and White), and Source (Flight). All images are
transparencies unless specified otherwise. Most imagery is from the 1970's
to 90's. Please reach out if you are interested in any of the imagery
collections or with any questions about said collections.

I look forward to hearing from any and all of you.

Andrew Elert
GIS Intern
U.S. Geological Survey
505 Science Drive, Suite A
Madison, WI 53711

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