Hi, all,


Below you will find a link to a survey about web-based digital mapping projects.  Note that this is part of a grant-funded study led by the Columbia University Libraries with generous support from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, to better understand the challenges facing web-based digital mapping projects.  Staff at Columbia Libraries convened a workshop/meeting earlier this year to kick off discussions and develop next steps to understand this landscape.  This survey is a follow-on to that meeting.  


Please participate if you manage or are part of a web-mapping project.  Please forward if you know others who are involved in projects as well.  They’re trying to get as much information as possible. 




Please direct questions to Barbara Rockenbach, cc’d on this message.


Many thanks in advance for your participation.






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Julie Sweetkind-Singer

Assistant Director of Geospatial and Cartographic Services

Head, Branner Earth Sciences Library & Map Collections

397 Panama Mall, 2nd floor

Stanford University

Stanford, CA 94305
