*Deadline is February 29th! *

The ICA <http://icaci.org/> Commission on Cartographic Heritage into the
Digital <http://cartography.web.auth.gr/ICA-Heritage> is organising the *
15th ICA Conference* *on “Digital Approaches to Cartographic Heritage”*

jointly with the

*22nd Conference* *of the Map & Geoinformation Curators Group - MAGIC
<http://cartography.web.auth.gr/ICA-Heritage/MAGIC/index.html> on
“Challenges in Modern Map Librarianship”*

 in *Cluj-Napoca,* Romania, *24-26 September 2020*

The *Call for Papers* is now open here:

Registration is now open:

 If you have the title and summary of your contribution available, please
fill and submit *online* *the paper title & summary form*:

Marcy Bidney
Assistant Director for Distinctive Collections
Curator, American Geographical Society Library

University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
2311 E. Hartford Ave
Milwaukee, WI 53211