Perhaps this can be helpful for some here at the Maps-L list.

Dear colleagues,


In light of closures and disruptions brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic, the RBMS Bibliographic Standards Committee and RBMS Technical Services Discussion Group would like to provide a couple of venues for sharing ideas on how best to cope with the unplanned need to work remotely. We have two notions, so far:


  1. Share your ideas, or those of your institution, in this Google doc. Contributions are welcome from everyone. The hope is to surface ideas that we hadn¡¦t yet considered at our own institutions.


  1. Join us for an impromptu Zoom discussion, on Monday, March 23, at 2 pm EDT. The format will resemble a normal TSDG meeting ¡V but online! Connection logistics:


Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android:

    Or Telephone¡G203-432-9666 (2-ZOOM if on-campus) or 646 568 7788

    Meeting ID: 186 368 308

    International numbers available:





Whitney Buccicone and Jackie Parascandola (for TSDG)

Francis Lapka (for BSC)



Francis Lapka

Senior Catalogue Librarian

Department of Rare Books and Manuscripts

Yale Center for British Art

203-432-9672  ¡P  [log in to unmask]