Hi everyone-

Our third COVID-19 impacted newsletter can be viewed here:


As a reminder, tomorrow is Chet Van Duzer’s talk onr on Martin Waldseemüller’s Carta marina of 1516. Please register asap to get a zoom link. Also note that if you are directly subscribed to this newsletter, Stanford e-mail holders did not get the e-mail and we are looking into rectifying that.  Meanwhile, enjoy this newsletters contents, which include a digital exhibition as well as information on student competitions!

Best, Salim


G. Salim Mohammed, Head and Curator

David Rumsey Map Center


[log in to unmask] | 650.723.5100




David Rumsey Map Center

Green Library

Stanford University

557 Escondido Mall; MC 6004

Stanford, CA 94305-6004


"Live simply so others can simply live." -Gandhi.https://stanford.us14.list-manage.com/track/open.php?u=bc280d099b8c85ba9fd6e0bb0&id=fc32f955bb&e=17454c5e83