Hi, all,

We have a number of map history/mapping books that are duplicates (at least) in our possession that we'd like to give to a good home.  I've created a spreadsheet with the information about the books<https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1guMOKA5Ms9-x2XqRDLq5b0rF27OcN87hi-sa3I-Y-2Q/edit?usp=sharing>.  Please take a look.

If you're interested, please add a comment in the Claimed box and then drop me a line to let me know that you'd like something from the list.  A few particulars.

  *   We'll pay for shipping.
  *   Please claim for your institution.  These are not available for personal libraries.
  *   We won't ship overseas, but Canadian and Mexican libraries are fine.

Hope there is something of interest on this list for you!



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Julie Sweetkind-Singer
Associate University Librarian for Science and Engineering Resources
Head, Branner Earth Sciences Library & Map Collections
Orcid ID: 0000-0002-2674-3406

Stanford University
650-505-7599 (cell)