Dear all,

we are pleased to announce that the Mapfly portal is online. Mapfly is a webGIS catalog that allows you to search on a geographic basis 30,000 geothematic and historical maps held by the University of Padua, retrieve the copy in the library, or view and download the reproduction when copyright permits:<>

You are invited to the presentation of MapFly which will be held on Thursday December 16th, 2021 at 4:30 p.m (in Italian), online at:<>

The MapFly project was developed in 2021 as a collaboration of the following departments of the University of Padova, thanks also to funding by Infrastrutture Immateriali di Ricerca Bando 2019: Dipartimento di Geoscienze, Dipartimento di Scienze Storiche Geografiche e dell’Antichità, Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile Edile e Ambientale, Dipartimento dei Beni Culturali, Centro d’Ateneo per le Biblioteche.

For more information on the MapFly project:<>

Best regards,

Prof. Paolo Mozzi

Scientific coordinator MapFly

Biblioteca di Geoscienze
Università degli Studi di Padova
Via G. Gradenigo, 6
35131 Padova
Tel: +39 049 8279102
e-mail: [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]><>