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Exhibit: Online exhibition re Mapping of 19c Asia Minor and Ottoman Empire<>
by Matthew Edney

Dear All:

Richard Talbert has prepared an online exhibition for Princeton University Libraries:

Late Ottoman Turkey in Princeton's Forgotten Maps, 1883-1923<>

It's origin lies in Prof. Talbert's interest in the historical mapping of ancient and medieval Asia Minor by Heinrich Klieppert, which were based on travels in the region by Klieppert and others. The exhibition continues with later German mapping of Asia Minor, including WWI operations map by the German general staff. The coda provides a freely accessible link to Prof. Talbert's explanatory essay on the collection and its significance.

Overall, it provides a great example of the kinds of work produced by German geographers at the height of their powers prior to WWI.

The large images link to the Princeton Library catalog and IIIF viewer.

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Angie Cope
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