----------------------------Original message----------------------------
> Pardon my ignorance, but would someone tell me exactly what
> geodex is?  I saw a posting about geodex updates a while back and
> poked around the ftp site.
> Thanks in advance.
> -john
GEODEX is a microcomputer based system developed at the American
Geographical Society Collection for accessing and inventorying
the quadrangular maps in the collection.  Our holdings in the system
currently include all depository quadrangles, Canadian topos and many
foreign series.  Our database, which is now available via FTP, contains
over 250,000 entries, and, as you recently saw, a free, automated update
service has been added.  If you are interested in more details, e-mail
me at [log in to unmask], or, call me, toll free, at 800-558-8993.
Chris Baruth
AGS Collection