----------------------------Original message----------------------------
I am not sure whether it is fair of me to tell you all about a publication
which, to many, may be quite inaccessible?  :-) However, yesterday (May 25th),
the Irish Times (one of the best known "quality" Irish national newspapers)
carried a 16-page supplement all about An tSuirbheireacht Ordonais (better
known to many of you as the Ordnance Survey of Ireland). The supplement itself
is in English incidentally!
It contains a number of articles, discussing current and future strategies for
the Survey, the range of products, etc. It also has articles about the use
of the OS mapping for schools; and about the emergence of GIS on the scene
and the implications that this has for the work of the OS.
As one might expect, it is more PR than critical analysis, but still worth
reading if you can. Unfortunately, I only have one copy and  would not be
in a position to disseminate clones of this. However, if really interested
you could try writing to the Irish Times offices in D'Olier Street, Dublin 2,
Ireland or the Ordnance Survey of Ireland, Phoenix Park, Dublin. If you are
near an Irish Embassy, they may be able to help you get hold of a copy as
Good luck!
Darius Bartlett
Darius Bartlett