----------------------------Original message----------------------------
        For Your Information:
        ASIS is currently (May 23-26) holding its MID-YEAR 1993 Meeting in
        Knoxville.  A panel session entitled: "Cartographic-Geographic
        Information Systems (GIS): Spatial Database Management Issues," was
        just completed.  Margaret Brill (Duke University), Dr. Charlie
        Smart (TVA), and Dr. John Rehder (UT-Knoxville) presented papers
        that addresssed:  1. History of collecting spatial/geographic data
        in libraries, 2. Cataloging and classification systems, 3. Remote
        sensing - history and development, 4. GLIS (Global Land Information
        System), and 5. GIS, 6. Managing digital dta in map libraries.
        Forty five people were in attendance.
        Panel Chair: James O. Minton.
        Jim will be attending SLA in Cincinnati June 5-11 and Margaret will
        be attending ALA in New Orleans (June/July  whatever ...) and you
        may ask us about the meeting.  The presentations were
        well-received.  (45 in attendance).
        James O. Minton
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