----------------------------Original message----------------------------
Coordinates are measured from the longitudinal center of the main runway.  If
two main runways cross each other, coordinates are measured from the point of
crossing.  If two or more runways run parallel, measurement is taken from the
runway nearest the control tower.
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To: Multiple recipients of list MAPS-L
From: Maps and Air Photo Systems Forum on Fri, Jun 11, 1993 1:28 PM
Subject: Airport Coordinates
----------------------------Original message----------------------------
At the recent ESRI conference, someone asked an interesting question
that I will pose to the net:
On aeronautical charts, there is a lat-long location given for
airports.  Where in the airport is that location? Is it the control
tower? Is it the radar? Or somewhere else?
Alan K. Jackson - Interpretive Data Processing Coordinator
Pecten International Company (a wholly owned subsidiary of Shell Oil Co)
voice :(713)544-4442 fax :(713)544-4873 snail :Box 205,Houston,Tx 77001
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