----------------------------Original message----------------------------
Hello cartophile colleagues and comrades!
I throw to you a deliberately provocative question, which I think might
generate some lively comment (there again it might sink like a stone :-).
Given the recent major changes in world (mainly political) geography, I
would like to invest in a new general "familly reference" atlas for the
Bartlett familly bookshelves. My question, intentionally left as open as
possible, is: which atlas would you recommend, and why? I would ideally
like something that will appeal to a lively and rapidly-growing eight-year-
old as well as to the adult members of the familly, and also I cannot afford
to take out a new mortgage on the house to pay for it! Finally, don't forget
that we live in Europe, so one which (say) is designed for a US market may not
necessarilly be optimised for our part of the world - though I have an open
mind on this if you can persuade me otherwise...
I look forward to your suggestions :-)
Darius Bartlett