----------------------------Original message----------------------------
        Please forgive the empty mail message. Wrong device setting on the Mac
I'm using. Thanks
        So here's what I was going to ask.  A while back I completed research
project involving the use of inexpensive theatre gels as filters for the camera
system I was using. (the title was "Aerial Photography of Otsego Lake Testing
Film/Filter Combinations in the Sensing of Submergent vs. Emergent Freshwater
Aquatic Vegetation")  I only tested 6 gels due to the size of the grant I
received.  For those 6 gels, I sat in front of a spectrometer for about a half
an hour getting transmission spectra from 300nm to 840nm. (840 was the max on
the machine I was using, I would have really liked to get the readings from up
to 1000nm.)
        Since the companies that produce the theatre gels don't require the
transmission spectra to be available to the general public, I was going to sit
down in front of the spectrometer again and test all the samples they had sent
me.  Before I spend a day hunched over a spectrometer, has anybody done
anything like this and if so was it published.
Tim VanVranken
Graduating Geography Major (Aug. '93)
GIS/Cartography/Remote Sensing
SUNY Oneonta
Oneonta, NY  13820
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