----------------------------Original message----------------------------
These are very simplistic questions, I'm sure, for professional map
librarians, but we don't have a map librarian, so here goes...
We are charged with the environmental restoration work at our site
(Brookhaven National Laboratory on Long Island, NY).  We will be
(indeed, already are) generating many, many maps in CAD and GIS software.
We are also receiving maps from outside sources.
(1) what choices do we have for map storage "furniture"?  We are thinking
of obtaining several flat-drawer map cabinets for general storage and also
several hanging racks for maps which are likely to be consulted  frequently.
Are there other options?
(2) can someone point me to a general reference to help us get started
with cataloging our maps?  Is there a widely-used system (cf. the
Dewey decimal system) for cataloging maps?
Thanks.  I'd appreciate responses directly to me, since I doubt that this
is of great interest to the knowledgable members of the list!
                Mary Daum
                Brookhaven National Lab
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