----------------------------Original message----------------------------
I have been asked to help a local citizens group in their search for local
geographic data and maps. This I am doing, as well as coordinating a
volunteer effort via a group called WAGIPOG (Washington area geographic
information public outreach group) to stimulate the provision of better
access to geographic data for nonGIS experts.
In these activities, and, indeed, as part of the ARL's GIS Literacy project
for which I am providing help to my own campus' efforts, the question arises
as to what geographic data (can be in map or digital form) library patrons
ask for.
I invite any comments you may have, but I am interested in your responses to
these specific questions: (1) have there been any research studies of what
geographic data library patrons request? (2) do you have anecdotal or other
ad hoc information  as to such requests? (3) do you have names of people I
may contact for further discussion?
I am most interested in the local community library environment, but shall
also welcome your responses as to patrons requests in your own research
Feel free to send messages to me privately at the address below. I shall
summarize personal messages and any that appear via a posting to MAPS-L. I
look forward to a dialogue on this subject.
Derek Thompson (prof.)
Department of Geography
University of Maryland at College Park
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