----------------------------Original message----------------------------
From: Sandy Campbell                   Reference Librarian
      [log in to unmask]      Sci/Tech Library
      scampbel@ualtavm                 University of Alberta
National Land Survey of Sweden is at:
Statens Landnateriwerk
s-80112 Gavle, Sweden
Mapping Organization is:
Generalstabens Litografiski Anstalt Forlag
Box 22069
101 22 Stockholm 22, Sweden
The National Atlas of Sweden
Department of Human Geography
Stockholm, University
S-106 Stockholm, Sweden
Telephone +468 16 48 95
This note is a response to Darius Bartlett's request of June 23/93
Ron Whistance-Smith
William C. Wonders Map Collection
Sci/Tech Library
University of Alberta
Edmonton, AB
T6G 2H4