----------------------------Original message----------------------------
Fellow Cartophiles,
I have been asked to go to Egypt in early November next. Can anyone suggest
how - and where - I might get hold of reasonable-scale (1:1M okay, better
than 1:250,000 would be Serendipity) maps of Alexandria and hinterland fairly
quickly? I'm mainly thinking of topo maps, but interesting thematic maps
(socio-economic and environmental) might also be useful to know about.
If anyone has any digital coverages (arc/info or IDRISI format, or something
that can be translated into one of these) for Egypt and the Nile Delta, and
they were willing to share these for a good (and non-profit-making) cause,
that would be more than wonderful.
Ah well, it does no harm to ask :-)
Darius Bartlett