----------------------------Original message----------------------------
Here's a newsletter I came across that some of you might find useful...
The Electronic Atlas Newsletter: "Dedicated to real-life and professional
applications of geographic information systems (GIS)."
Now in its fourth year of publication, the Electronic Atlas Newsletter is a
monthly interdisciplinary guide to the applications, techniques, and
technology of GIS. Discover why GIS provides a synergy in information
management greater than the mere combination of graphics and database
management - order your free sample copy today. Subscription rates are:
$25/individual, $35/institutional, and $50(U.S.) international (outside
North America) per year.
For a free sample, contact:
The Electronic Atlas Newsletter
c/o Brian Matuschak
1414 N. Northgate Way, #101
Seattle, WA 98133-2817
[SASE not required but will expedite your request]
Or, call 206-525-7155 to leave mailing information.