----------------------------Original message----------------------------
Attempting to focus discussion, can we make comments on this particular
area?  We should make comments on the special needs of spatial information
in the depository program.  Since MAPS-L has librarians and members of the
user community, perhaps constructive comments from both groups could provide
us with information to add to the discussions in Chicago.
The Depository Program might not mean users coming to libraries to get informat
ion, but libraries acting as local or regional  gateways to information.  I
frankly have a hard time seeing Washington controlling GIS collections at
the town or municipal level.  I do see the Map Library at the Homer Babbidge Li
brary utilizing a Library gopher to point to information at the federal, state
and local levels, as well as data in the library.  What are the special constra
ints to spatial data.  It is not text.  How can a WAIS handle it?  We need to
get these ideas on the Chicago table through Melissa and others.
Patrick McGlamery