----------------------------Original message----------------------------
A patron here is looking for the location of a town that was in
East Prussia in about 1870.  It's Mettkeim or possibly Mettheim.
We couldn't find any reference to this place in gazetteers or
atlases covering what was then East Prussia (I believe this would
be in today's Poland, Lithuania, and Russia).  Our collection is
thin with respect to historical maps of Europe. Can anyone help
with this town's location and non-German name?
       .------.           Mark Thomas
       |      |           Evans Library
       |      |           Texas A&M University
       |       ~~~-----.  College Station, TX  77843-5000
 ______|               |
\                       \ (409) 862-1052 / FAX (409) 845-6238
 \_    __          *   _; mthomas@tamrigel / [log in to unmask]
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