----------------------------Original message----------------------------
Dear Maps-l community,
I have a Physics Professor friend who is traveling to Ecuador sometime
next year.  He read recently that some popular resorts in northern Ecuador
are being invaded by oil drilling crews who are messing up the forests
and places of natural interest.  There is apparently some violent unrest
going on between naturalists/resort owners and the oil drilling crews.
He would like to know where the problems are located so that he can avoid
those areas when he is making travel plans.  At the very least he desires
a map that shows in some details the park areas and forest preserves in
the northeastern part of the country along the Amazon (or perhaps a map
showing where the oil companies are drilling in respect to those areas).
We have done some searching, but our depository maps have given us very
little information that he can use (our maps of Ecuador in detail are
from the WWII era, and we have no atlases with specific enough detail).
If anyone out there has any ideas, please contact me directly at:
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thanks, Pat Allen, Purdue University