----------------------------Original message----------------------------
>----------------------------Original message----------------------------
>          Perhaps this may help the requestor seeking U.S. county Time
>          Zones: check the white pages of your City/County telephone
>          book for "Long Distance calling Area Code Time Zone Map".
>          Also, the U.S. Defense Mapping Agency produces a "Standard
>          Time Zone Chart of the World"  @ 1:39,000,000.  DMA chart
>          76, 25th edition July 1992.
The map in my phone book is not detailed enough to show what I think the
original poster was looking for. I'm not familiar with the DMA chart, but
the scale sounds too large to split counties in half.
I have a much simpler solution: consult your handy Rand McNally (or
equivalent) road atlas. The scale is usually sufficiently small, and you
might be able to extrapolate the exact boundaries of the time zones in the
regions you describe.
Eric Scouten                         Internet:    [log in to unmask]
Student Affairs Research             Bitnet:      scout@umnacvx
110 Morrill Hall * Univ of Minn      Phone:       +1 612 626 0746
Minneapolis, MN 55455 USA
  "The only thing we learn from history is we learn nothing from history."
     -James Schlesinger