This message is from Jim Coombs.----------Johnnie
              Wed, 10 Nov 93 14:55:59 CST
              Jim Coombs <JAC324F@SMSVMA>
              base line
I've heard from 42 people so far who received two copies of issue #4 or #5.
Thanks very, very much to those of you who are cooperating in my e-mail
issue exchange.  What a great practical application of electronic technology!
To prove the theory that after things go from bad to worse, the cycle repeats
itself, my e-mail terminal broke last Monday.  I'm using the Gov. Docs.
terminal when its vacant.  Please bear with me - I'll respond to you all
By the way, the mailing service that sent out these base lines has offered
to correct its goof for free, and the printer has offered to print up more
base lines if need be, also for free.