This message, lost in a southern swamp over the weekend, is from HelenJane
              Wed, 10 Nov 93 09:12:21 EST
              Helen ARmstrong <[log in to unmask]>
              US Timezones
Unfortunately the message and name of the person requesting information about
U.S. counties was deleted before I had an opportunity to record it.  If the
person still wishes information about the division in Gulf County, Florida
I will be glad to provide it.  Just to make things interesting there is
definately a disagreement between the US Govt. "Official" version, the
State "Official" version and local application.  Most of the land in question
is in the middle of a swamp area with limted permanent human population
that actually care about time zones.  (Alligators don't use clocks unless
the University of Florida's  Gator football team is on Television!!! The
snakes follow other teams!!)
There is no confusion about the time zones of the few towns and villages
in the area.
HelenJane Armstrong, Map & Imagery Library University of Florida.