Two messages on lat/long software.-----------Johnnie
      03 Nov 1993 09:24:01 +0000 (GMT)
      [log in to unmask]
         Re: lat/lon software
> What software is available which gives lat longitudes for cities all over the
> world?
Depends in part which cities you need! If they are only the larger / more
obvious, then you could try PC Globe or World Atlas for Windows.
          Wed,  3 Nov 1993 07:46 EST
          RE: lat/lon software
Are you interested in establishing the Lat/Long or being able to call up the
city and getting the Lat/long from a file of data?  If the later is your need
you are partly in luck.  The US is available as a data file from the USGS,
Earth Science Info. Center, 507 National Cntr.,  Reston Va. 22092
At the present time it is only available on 9 track tape, but will hopefully
be a sales item after the first of the year on CD-ROM. The initial word on cost
is $57.  This file is called the Geographic Names Info. Sys. (GNIS) it includes
everything that is named on the USGS topo. maps. All features, towns, physical
features and the like. Info on the CD of GNIS includes such things as the
Lat/Long-name of topo map/s its on-elevation if established, etc.
For the rest of the world there is a set of gazetteers available at various pric
es for the countries. These are available in paper copy from the USGS Distributi
on cntr. in Denver.
Contact me at 703 648-5935 and I'll send to you the catalog of available gaz.
John Shanton
507 Nat. Cntr.
Reston, Va. 22092