----------------------------Original message----------------------------
Hello All,
  During the past week, I have spent a considerable amount of time
getting our selectives (we have no regional within the Wyoming
boundaries) organized.  To make a long story short, all of our
selections will be housed here at the University of Wyoming.  We will
get 2 copies of Wyoming, one that can be ILL'd within the state, and
one which will always be available (and hopefully accessible via the
Internet or NREN) on campus.  The other selectives in the state
(mostly at Community Colleges) are each selecting one of the
surrounding states.  Our State Law Library is selecting Nebraska.
Thus, through creative organizing, we will be able to obtain Wyoming
and the surrounding state's data.  Although it is getting a little
late, if you are a selective, and you want the data for more than
your state, this could be one solution to the problem.  Anyone
wishing a copy of the letter that I sent to the selectives can
contact me.  I would be glad to send you a copy.  Linda Zellmer
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