----------------------------Original message----------------------------
I received this from the PACS-L list and thought all you librarians
out there might like to get a bright spot (I think) in your day.  Of
course, it would have been better if Bill had said the same thing about
librarians that JFK said about geographers, but I guess you can't have
everything....... ;-)
 ---------------------------- Text of forwarded message -----------------------
 .    bunch of header stuff removed to save bytes on the network
Date:         Thu, 9 Dec 1993 13:30:47 CST
From:         Jack Kessler <[log in to unmask]>
Subject:      Authoritative Pronouncement: Hillary R.C., on librarians
To:           Multiple recipients of list PACS-L <[log in to unmask]>
----------------------------Original message----------------------------
Authoritative Pronouncement: Hillary R.C., on librarians
Just in case any of you were getting a mite bit discouraged:
        "We live in an age of information overload," she noted, "We
        need libraries and professional librarians to explain what this
        explosion of information means."
"She" being Hillary Rodham Clinton, quoted in the December _American
Libraries_ (p. 975).
See, I told you someone would figure out that librarians will be more
needed AFTER the Information Revolution than they ever were before it.
(Those who ask, "What does SHE know about libraries?", are the same
folks who thought she couldn't learn anything about health insurance.)
See you at the end of the tunnel.
Jack Kessler
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