Three messages on the DOQ problem. ------------ Johnnie
Wed. Dec. 1, 1993
Johnnie D. Sutherland
DOQ Problem
     The University of Georgia Libraries, a Regional Dep., will request all
the DOQ CD-ROMs on the survey.  The DOQs will be housed and serviced out of
the Map Collection.   The Gov Doc Librarian and I came to this solution after
a short talk.   The UGA Map Collection has very large holdings of air photos
and imagery usage makes up about 30% of the collection's usage.  Users want
coverage outside of Georgia!!   A large comprehensive map collection should
acquire the material. The Map Collection will probably buy second copies
of the Georgia CDs to use for circulation.  We would plan to ILL most of
this data.
     There are large questions of space, hardware/software, personnel, and loan
policies.  These can limit what a collection should acquire of this imagery.
A Regional also has some responsibility to serve the needs of the selectives in
the region as well as the public.
     The selective dep. map collections will have to make sure their regional
acquires the DOQs that the selective is not able to select.  You have to decide
what you need and CALL at once the Regional Gov Doc Dept and request (demand??)
that they select the states and regions you need.
     The U.S. map community, and organizations, need to get together to arrange
a solution to the potential problems.  If the Dov Doc Departments are left
alone in this case we will be in trouble.  They do not usually see the users,
understand the problems, and put the priority on imagery.
Johnnie Sutherland      JSUTHERL@UGA
University of Georgia
      Wed, 01 Dec 1993 09:56:23 -0700 (MST)
      Linda Zellmer <[log in to unmask]>
         Re: DOQ Comment
  There is another alternative, however.  The largest selective in
each state should be given the option of selecting their own state
and surrounding states.  In addition, limiting REGIONALS to their
own and surrounding states would eliminate some of the cost.  All
together, my solution would not cost a whole lot more than their
solution.  If some large collections, like Santa Barbara, AGSC, LC,
etc. wanted the whole thing, they should have the option of appealing
to USGS, who could then direct GPO to send them the whole thing.
Face it, these are going to be needed by natural resource type
agencies in every state, and these agencies don't stop at political
boundaries.  Right now, Wyoming is fighting with Nebraska over the
North Platte (for the umtydidleyeth time!) and will be involved with
the Fish & Wildlife Service's plans to save water for an endangered
fish in California (the sucker or chub or something).  GPO is
thinking $$ instead of user needs, and they need to start thinking
user needs.
  I am trying to coordinate the selectives here in the state so that
each of us selects either Wyoming or a surrounding state, so the
state will have access to everything.  Plus we will get extra data
for Wyoming to ILL in the state.  Hopefully, this solution will work.
 That is my $.02 (boy I really miss the cents sign).  Linda Z.
              Wed, 01 Dec 93 13:16:18 EST
              Gwen Curtis <[log in to unmask]>
For those depository libraries considering the selection of DOQ CD's from
GPO...  I just discovered that a sample DOQ was distributed to depository
libraries called the "Olmsted County" project, Minnesota under Sudoc number
I 19.120:OL 5/CD.  You might want to take a look at it before making your
selection.  I've not had any luck getting mine to display yet, but we're
still working on it.  I'd be interested in hearing if anyone has been able
to use theirs.
Gwen Curtis  ([log in to unmask])
Map Collection, Univ. of Ky. Libraries