----------------------------Original message----------------------------
> b. DECStation 5000/200 (minicomputer): 40M RAM; using
> xv as software, it took about 20 minutes
> to display image (this includes decompressing an image)
I found a program called xloadimage that did quite a bit better
than xv.  I don't have numbers handy but I think it was on the
order of 5 minutes on a low-end sparcstation.  Xv thrashed away
for at least 15 minutes before I killed it.  Both cases I had
de-compressed the images beforehand.  It is clear that these
general purpose image display tools didn't have images of this
scale in mind.  :)
This does bring up an issue that I've been wondering about: At
what point should a library just provide raw data with the
assumption that the user will provide the equipment to use it?
We typically provide microform readers, VCRs, TVs, cassette
decks, CD players, film projectors, and speech synthesizers for
the blind are not uncommon.  To get a quick view of data put out
by the USGS and others only requires a run-of-the-mill PC, but to
actually *USE* the data requires quite a lot more than you will
find at the corner Compu-Mart.  And when getting enough support
to buy a couple more drawers of map space is like pulling teeth
without the benefit an anesthetic...
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