----------------------------Original message----------------------------
Happy New Year fellow MAPS-Lers:
Vigdor Schriebman provides another wonderful service for the government
information community described below.  It is easy to access and use.
[log in to unmask]
Dear Friends,
As recreation during this holiday season I have been constructing a
"digital library" of important public policy papers that are providing
the structure for the emerging Information Age.  The library is organized
around the legislative committee jurisdictions where public policy is
enacted.  This includes four directories at present: 1) Public
Information; 2) Information Resources Management; 3) Information
Infrastructure; and 4) Telecommunications Infrastructure.  You will notice
that there is no synthesis between this legislative organization and the
major purposes to be served, to which our efforts are directed: 1) the
Depository Library Program; 2) the National Research and Education
Netowrk; and 3) the National Information Infrastructure.  The library is
constructed at the inforM (Information for Maryland) system.
  Of immediate interest to all who will receive this message are the two
reports that we posted this day concerning the JCP, GPO, and DLP. They can
be viewed and retrieved at either CapAccess, "All the Gopher Servers of
the World," or by telnet inforM.umd.edu
  Happy New Year to each of you.