----------------------------Original message----------------------------
tHANKS to all those 29 people who responded to my offer of
materials from west of the Mississippi.  It's been fun to hear
from you all.  Now, we are ice-bound as is most of the east
coast and I'm looking forward to leaving at the end of next
week for the "underworld" i.e., Australia where my son is
getting married.  On my return, being spoiled by summer
weather, I will attempt to organize a sorting team and see what
I can do to get stuff out of here.  At that time, (I will
request (a) shipping labels and (b) authority to either ship
collect or bill you for shipping charges (no handling on this
one).  For those (un)lucky people whose reqeusts are denied I
will send a notification.  Meanwhile, as Ross Togoshi from
Hawaii said, ALOHA     Chris Devan