----------------------------Original message----------------------------
Ok, it's the common Gauss-Krueger coordinate system but on KRASSOWSKIY
 Ellipsoidsomething different from Bessel Ellipsoid now used in ex-GDR. A 6
meridian zone system has been used for the whole scale series beginning with
1:10 000, 1:25 000.... until 1:200 000. It was the standardized military
topo series of the Warszaw Pact.
I should mention that 1:10' has not been finished for x-ussr, there are
some densitiv regions only mapped at that scale. Basic scale for x-ussr
is 1:25' and has been finished in the 80s...
The quality seems to be not bad I think. So far the updates are more
interestingly for using it with gis tasks...
F.Hoffmann, DD /23:20