----------------------------Original message----------------------------
     I had planned to remain out of the remainder of this discussion, but
David Cobb's comment about the majority denying a voice to the minority
deserves response.
     From the views expressed here, it seems several are concerned that they
might lose voice by the creation of the new list.  There is no process in
place by which someone might be denied access to Maps-L, no admission
requirements as exist for some lists.  Subscribe and you're on.
     No one is seeking to deny the passing of messages about cartogaphic
history.  No one has said, to my knowledge, that you can't discuss that here.
 No voice is being denied by a majority, David, by asking that a separate
list not be created.  Are you suggesting that the minority has the right to
deny voice to the majority?
     Well, of course you aren't.  But neither are Maps-L folk.  What I think
we have here is the explosion of courtesy, if I may be so bold.  The
Cartographic History Folk, in plain courtesy, let Maps-L Folk know that a new
listserv was being created.  Discussion ensued, pro and con, about the new
list.  Discussion which, frankly, wasn't requested.  Discussion which is
non-binding.  Discussion which is healthy even thought it can be incredibly
irritating and frustrating to those who feel attacked when they were only
being courteous in the first place.  Good luck to the new list.
Debbie Lords
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