----------------------------Original message----------------------------
Larry Cruse claims he knows a "department head" who observed that
"Maps" is "Spam" spelled backwards.  We could, of course, claim that
Spam is Maps spelled backwards, but that would lend too much of an
air of class to spam.  I am unsure what to make of this mixture of
a peculiar mixture of mystery meat and the large, fragile, and
beautiful objects with which we deal.  As a vegitarian I am philosophically
opposed to the very idea of spam, although there are those who claim
that there is, in fact, no meat therein and I would be perfectly safe
eating the stuff.  I think not.  I have played a bit with other
backward spellings, but neither cartographic nor atlas yield anything
coherent.  In honor of Larry I tried microform, but that wasn't so good,
We all know that Mony Python once did a rather good sketch on the
subject of spam.  Too bad we can't turn them loose on this problem,
but John Cleese is making too much money doing commercials, and the
rest have wandered off somewhere.
I tried a backwards "department head" too, but it looked the same-- kind
of like real department heads.
whimsically yours
charley seavey