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Mary--I think the news portion of the journals would be best served by posting
on MAPS-L.  It's not really tied to this whole broohaha about another listserv
or anything, but I'd like to share with you what I think is common among some
of us librarians from smaller, less known about collections.
I used to go to SLA G&M, NACIS and a couple of ALA MAGERT midwinter meetings,
not so much for the content of what papers were being delivered (though they
were interesting and useful), but for the between sessions and happy hour
contacts/interactions I used to get with other map lbrns.  I found the tidbits
on how to do this or how to do that, what to do with equipment problems,
collections (weeding, trading, discards, GREAT map sets, atlases, etc.) ask
questions of other more experienced lbns like yourself on issues in the
collection/profession affecting us back home sooooo useful.  Quite frankly,
that is the main reason I started subscribing to WAML.
What is being shared in the newsnotes sections of the journals I find are
being adequately covered by MAPS-L and definitly reaching a larger audience.
I now attend conferences for me, professionally speaking, not for the
collection as much.  I can also spend the time reading journals for the
articles, not just the new atlases or maps available or for the formula on
determining paper weight in map cases. But I can subscribe to journals that
both I can use for professional purposes and the user can use for research
If it sounds garbled, I apologize, but I hope my intent comes across.
Diana Rivera
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