----------------------------Original message----------------------------
The subject map, "North American Vegetation Index Map," has been sent out
to the Depository Libraries on Map Sendings 94-09-GM.  This is a
"Special Map Product" that has been published by the USGS  EROS DATA CENTER
in Sioux Falls, South Dakota.  It most closely can be identified with the
Miscellaneous Geologic Investigations Map Series of the USGS, or MI's
Item # 0619-G-08.  There will possibly be other maps of similar type
that will be coming on Sendings in the future.
This is not to be separated out into a special category or map series.
This map is a sales product and is available from:
                Map Distribution Branch
                U. S. Geological Survey
                Box 25286
                Denver Federal Center
                Denver, Colorado  80225
The price on this map is $3.75, plus $1.00 for postage and handling
for any order less than $10.00.
                              Bruce Hubbard
                              USGS/NMD/OIS/BESI/ESIM MS-509