----------------------------Original message----------------------------
Debbie, what I was trying to say (to everyone on the list) is: Don't
post as accurate and expert information something you do not yourself
KNOW to be accurate and expert.  We all know how info gets screwed up
in just being repeated, much worse thru a channel that doesn't under-
stand it.  I am asking that if you don't know, wait for a post from
someone who does.  Or if you want to recruit someone to help in the
answer, post their answer verbatim (and tell them this before they
compose it).  It is as tho I tried to serve as a conduit for some
extemely technical and arcane map cataloging info.  Not understanding
the issues well myself, I would probably get the content all screwed
up.  That's all.   Dave
Dave Gomberg, role model for those who don't ask much in their fantasy lives.
GOMBERG@UCSFVM           Internet node UCSFVM.UCSF.EDU     fax-> (415)731-7797
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