----------------------------Original message----------------------------
Thanks to the people who answered my question about the current
status of the Stanford map store in London and their "Reference
Catalogue."  The store seems to be alive and well, but apparently
not the comprehensive catalog.
As to what I should do with our old catalog and its index maps, I
got a broad range of answers ranging from "you don't need to
clutter up your space with index maps that index series you don't
have," to more than one person who said "if you're discarding
them, please send them to me." Besides the currently produced
GeoKatalog, a few people mentioned _World Mapping Today_ by Parry
and Perkins as a handy place to get worldwide index maps and see
what series are produced.
When I get time, I want to make some sort of comparison between
the indexes in Stanford and in the other sources.  If they seem to
be mostly the same, whoever asked for them first might get them!
Otherwise, they'll probably hang around for a while, maybe on a
top shelf somewhere, just waiting for the day we get that big
donation of foreign topos that need an index. :)
Mark Thomas                         | The train ... traditional,
Evans Library, Texas A&M University |   yet environmentally sound
(409) 862-1052 / FAX (409) 845-6238 |
mthomas@tamrigel / [log in to unmask] |              --Lisa Simpson