----------------------------Original message----------------------------
We are looking for recommendations / feedback regarding choice of a colour
(or color if you prefer) hard-copy output device, capable of producing
publication-quality results from Postscript files, Aldus Pagemaker, Arc/Info,
etc. and also capable of generating overhead transparency acetates. Size of
output would only be up to A3 size cut sheets (roll paper not needed).
Would anybody like to comment on the relative merits and deficiencies of
colour laser versus electrostatic versus thermal wax versus bubblejet
options please? There are obviously trade-offs between purchase costs,
running costs, reliability and output quality.
The hardware it needs to talk to consists of a Mac Quadra running System 7,
with 20Mb of memory, big hard drive, an Agfa colour scanner, and an
Apple b&w laser printer. (The Mac may be converted to AUX in the not-too-
distant future).
Many thanks
Darius Bartlett
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