----------------------------Original message----------------------------
Can anyone recommend a gazetteer (or similar kind of reference tool) that
will help us with the rising tide of requests for information about
placenames in Eastern Europe, particularly Poland?  I suspect most of
those asking are genealogists, but that's OK with me.  For the most part,
the patron will have the name of a 19th century community and will want
to know where this community is to be found on a map.  We have a growing
collection of medium-scale maps for Eastern Europe but without a detailed
gazetteer--especially useful would be an historical gazetteer--we don't
have much chance of pinpointing a place.  The US BGNs are only moderately
I do recall a spate of questions and answers on Maps-L about a year ago
and that some map librarians were using a work by someone called Ryder
(or something like that).  But any assistance would be appreciated.  If
some of you are consulting out-of-print titles, we could still try to
purchase a copy from antiquarian dealers.
Richard Pinnell
University Map and Design Library
University of Waterloo
Waterloo, Ontario
N2L 3G1
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