----------------------------Original message----------------------------
Like UCSB, we have the Marcive tapes going back to 1976, with records for
each and every quadrangle.  The change  that our computer systems people
made was  to leave the 099 field blank, so that my staff can go in and put
LC call numbers on it.  Since the Map Collection has its own symbol in the
049 field, they were able to make this global change for just the map records.
On the OPAC, "Map Collection" shows up on the location line, and "see Maps
Staff for assistance" shows up where the call number normally appears in those
records we haven't yet edited.
We are going to try to convince the powers that be around here to start up
online NOTIS circulation for maps.  I know this has been discussed on maps-l
in the past, so do any of you have any NEW advice, insights, and/or thoughts
on the advantages or disadvantages of online circulation?
Jim Coombs
Map Librarian
Southwest Missouri State University