----------------------------Original message----------------------------
Debbie Lords asks
> I saw a warning about some software called CD-IT.  I have not yet
> been able to discover if the software or the warning are legitimate
> or if they are some kind of joke.
....[stuff deleted...]
> Does anybody know if there really is such a virus making the
> rounds?  Something inside suggests that it may be a joke to test the
> speed with which negative information can spread through the Internet.
> Anyone have info from a reliable source regarding this?
> Thanks.
I don't know if it is a joke or not, but I have now seen the warning cross-
posted to at least 6 of the newsgroups / Listserves I monitor. And I gather
that at least some university computer bureau SysOps are taking it seriously.
Even if the virus doesn't exist, and it is a dummy alert to test the efficacy
of the Internet, I don't know that I would necessarilly call it a "joke"? It
could be (not saying it IS, but it COULD BE) a perfectly legitimate experiment
by a legitimate researcher. If it is an experiment, then obviously warning
the "subjects" would kinda spoil things, wouldn't it!