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There I was, sitting in the Electrical Engineering Dept. computer lab here at
the U of U, using one of the Sun Sparc 10 workstations.  The fellow (#1) on
the workstation in front of me wanted to do something complicated in some
application.  He was stuck, left for a short while and on coming back struck
up a conversation with the fellow (#2) sitting beside him.  This was the
#1 Do you know how to do this?  It says to ask a knowlegable person.
#2 No, you'll have to ask someone who knows more than I do.
#1 Well, I asked the people here who are supposed to be knowlegable.
#2 No one in this lab is knowlegable.
#1 No one at all?
#2 Its kind of like the Wizard of Oz when he tells the Scarecrow,  'I  can't
give you a brain, but I can give you a diploma.'
I managed not to laugh, though I could not supress a smile -- or sharing that
delightful last line.
Have a great summer!  Hope to see many of you at WAML this fall.
Debbie Lords
Marriott Library
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