----------------------------Original message----------------------------
Dear All,
I have got months behind in reading this newsgroup, so apologies
if this is rather out of date.
I saw the original posting about PCglobe and various deficiencies in
it, so I thought it might be of interest to you to mention the new
'Times World Map & Database' ISBN 0 7230 0696 2.
I am biased I am afraid since I have spent the last six months
sorting out the data for this PC package, but now that I have
the final beta version I am impressed with the way that it has
all come together - hopefully you all will be too! The software
developer seems to me to have created a very robust and fairly
easy to use windows application for us, and the maps look much
more cartographic than most other packages I have seen. Since it
uses vector data optimised for the purpose it is fast, even on
less powerfull machines.
Anyway, I think that is enough advertising, but if you would
like to know more mail me in my official capacity on:
[log in to unmask]
Tim Rideout
12 Duncan St,
EH9 1TA,
Scotland, Europe