----------------------------Original message----------------------------
Rick, first of all, if you haven't done so already, you probably need to start
by talking with Jim Minton who is the head of the Cartographic Information
Center on your campus and very knowledgable about current and future trends in
cartography and map librarianship.
I will also tell you that last fall a 2-day meeting was held in Washington, D.C
at the Library of Congress titled "The Map Library in Transition" which had
everything to do about where map libraries and map librarianship is apparently
headed. Reports on this meeting have been published in at least two places that
I am aware of and which I will cite momentarily, but besides reading what was
talked about at that meeting you should probably take the time to contact some
of the folks who organized and participated in it. I was in attendance and can
tell you that it was excellent in its content and organization, very thought-
provoking, and drew map librarians, map curators, map dealers, etc. from across
the U.S. and Canada. Following are the two citations:
"Reports : The Map Library in Transition, A Joint Conference Sponsored by the
Congress of Cartographic Information Specialists Associations and the Geography
and Map Division of the Library of Congress, October 18 & 19, 1993". From con-
tributions by Edward H. Dahl, Kathryn Womble, Marsha Selmer, Cathy Moulder,
Trudy Bodak, Carol Marley, and Alice Hudson and compiled by Alberta Auringer
Wood. IN Special Libraries Association, Geography and Map Division _Bulletin_.
No. 175, March 1994, pp. 29-39
the same report is also in:
base line : A Newsletter of the Map and Geography Round Table. Vol. 15, No. 1,
February 1994, pp. 15-26
I do hope that the above information gives you a good place to start. When you
have finished plumbing the depths of this topic please do share your findings
on this listserver so that all of us readers can possibly pick up some pointers
or two as well. Thanks
Mr. Paige G. Andrew
Map Cataloger
Cataloging Dept./Main Library
University of Georgia Libraries
University of Georgia
Athens, GA 30602
Phone: (706) 542-1554
Fax: (706) 542-4144
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